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Sunday 2 October 2011

Reading Jesse Schell

In the Beginning, There is the Designer. 
What advice does Schell offer to the would be games designer?

Schell offers these words to you "I am a game designer". Asking you to repeat and say them out loud to yourself, and doing so every time you need to hear it. Throughout reading the article you also read that he is saying you don't have to be amazing at something to be a games designer, which is true we all have different styles of art or experience in coding and have all ranges of ideas for games which will be different from others. Also one key skill He says you need is Listening be it to your team members, target audience or even to testers so either way you will develop more listening skills or you already have them but you are already on track. He also quotes Herman Hesse who describes listening in Siddharta: "To listen with a silent heart, with a waiting, open soul. Without passion, without desire, without judgement, without rebuke".  Be confident and don't let failures grind you down as you will make mistakes etc. but you can improve, modify or start again and learn from them. 

This reading was really interesting and does explain your fears to you as everyone at first goes can I do this or even this is hard but reading from this we are going to make mistakes but as always you will learn from them and in the end get there and like Schell says I am a games designer. 


  1. Jesse, is one of those names, like lindsey, that are used for both boys and girls, in this case a male. Good summary.


  2. It is now 2 weeks since this post, we have covered a lot of ground since this. Don't let the blog slip.

